Mapping of Longitudinal Data of Inequalities in Education

MapIE is a Horizon Europe funded research project spanning across five Nordic and Central European countries for the period between 2024–2027.

We aim to identify what mechanisms cause inequalities in education and what policy measures and interventions exist to compensate for them in the context of the Nordic and Central European countries. Within national contexts and using comparative research design, we address the system-, regional-, and school-level policies and practices, and pupil-level individual factors (such as socioeconomic status, gender, etc.) that contribute to the development of educational inequalities in secondary education in the Partner countries.



To identify and analyze longitudinal data to understand how inequalities develop in different educational contexts and to map effective mechanisms and interventions targeted at closing the achievement- and well-being gaps


To analytically capture and carefully describe how the educational context influences educational equality and equity within national contexts but also for comparability at the European level



We conduct a literature review on longitudinal predictors of educational inequalities and means for compensating for them


We create a public metadata database describing existing longitudinal datasets  


We identify and make available data for empirically analysing the mechanisms of educational inequalities and the effectiveness of policies and practices  


We create an empirical description of how different system, regional, school and individual level factors contribute to the development of educational inequalities 


We create an empirical description of how educational inequalities can be compensated for through educational policies and interventions based on empirical analyses


We publish a framework for implementing comparable longitudinal studies addressing educational inequalities in different contexts 

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