The MapIE project aims at creating impact at multiple levels
Our main target groups are educational policy makers and authorities both at the national and European level, and researchers who on the one hand want to utilize existing data for secondary analyses and on the other hand develop better longitudinal research designs to study more complex phenomena related to the development and mitigation of educational inequalities. Besides these primary target groups, we aim at creating impact also at the level of schools and classrooms by providing school staff research-based information on interventions and practices that promote inclusion and prevent inequalities from arising in the daily life of schools.
Educational policy makers and authorities will be able to understand better:
Other researchers will get access to:
Local educational administrators, schools and their personnel will learn more about:
- how educational inequalities develop based on empirical research.
- how educational policies and interventions can compensate for educational inequalities
- How significant national longitudinal assessment projects should be designed and what should be considered to evaluate educational inequality in their own national context.
- An overview of previous research from non-English-speaking sources which will help build future research on earlier findings from different national contexts
- A data-mapping framework that will facilitate their planning and implementation of longitudinal assessment studies producing comparable data
- Existing longitudinal metadata relevant for their own research interests.
- What can be done at the administrative and school management levels to prevent inequalities in basic education
- Effective policies and practices they can apply to compensate for already existing inequalities.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.