June 28, 2024

The much-anticipated kick-off meeting for the MapIE project took place on April 22-24 in Szeged, Hungary, where all consortium members met face-to-face for the first time to launch the project. The event brought together our experts from all partner countries – University of Helsinki, University of Oslo, University of Gothenburg, Goethe University Frankfurt, Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC), under the leadership of the Research Centre for Education, Assessment and Learning from Tampere University, and was generously hosted by the University of Szeged.

The evening before the official start of the meeting, all partners had the opportunity to have a joint dinner where we met informally. The meeting commenced with an inspiring welcome address by Project Leader, Professor Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen, who outlined the vision and the overarching objectives of MapIE.  

Throughout the day, team members had the opportunity to present their initial research plans and discuss potential challenges and innovative solutions within each work package. This collaborative atmosphere was punctuated with engaging workshops and breakout sessions designed to foster synergy and refine our research strategies. We also had an initial meeting with the European Commission’s project officer who provided further guidance to consortium members about the administrative processes related to successful implementation of MapIE. 

As we move forward, the insights gained from this kick-off meeting will guide our efforts, ensuring that the MapIE project not only meets but exceeds its ambitious targets. In the upcoming days, we will start telling more about our team members and their contribution to our project, Stay tuned to our project website and follow our Facebook, LinkedIn and X for regular updates on our scientific journey! 


The much-anticipated kick-off meeting for the MapIE project took place on April 22-24 in Szeged, Hungary, where all consortium members met face-to-face …

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